ABCL, Amitabh Bachchan’s production house has been the source of plenty of woes for the legendary actor. The production house had been in the dock after it released such non-starters as Aks and Major Saab and backed a Miss World beauty pageant.

The recent release of 'Paa', may be about to change all that. Made on a shoestring budget (by Bollywood standards) of Rs. 15 crore (Rs. 150 million ) and relying mainly on word of mouth for marketing, this film is about an unconventional topic. The star of the film is Amitabh 67 who plays a 13-year-old child called Auro who suffers from Progeria, a genetic disorder that causes him to age rapidly. According to the Mumbai Mirror, the film recovered its money in the first three days.

'The film would have earned much higher but the opening of the film was lukewarm because of the subject. However, the movie picked by Saturday evening onwards and had almost 95 per cent occupancy,' said Ashish Saxena, COO, Big Cinemas.

This was mainly because of the buzz created by Amitabh Bachchan’s acting and the fact that his real-life son Abhishek was cast as his father in the film.

Playing Auro was not easy. The elder Bachchan, had to wear over eight pieces of specially crafted clay pieces for the role. Amitabh talked about the experience while speaking to Entertainment Daily 'I was quite pampered on the sets. Actually they (unit members) were more worried about the makeup as it was very tedious. I used to have a lot of problem in breathing, eating and used to feel itchy - but everyone was extremely courteous.

'I couldn’t eat properly, couldn’t speak and liquid supplies were given to me using straws. Everyone was quite nice to me and pampered me,' he said.

The film has also done relatively well in small towns around India where tastes veer more towards the conventional and the feelgood that has come to signify Bollywood.


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