The actor while shooting for Boney Kapoor’s ‘Wanted’ at Bandra Fort seemed to recognize a beggar on the street. He went up to him, and asked him if he was the same person who used to sell kites at Band Stand, Bandra a long time ago. The beggar indeed was!
“Apparently, Salman Khan used to buy kites from him as a child. He hadn’t seen him for years, and now suddenly after 20 years to have spotted him in this state” says the source, adding, “But Salman is a very generous guy. He gave him Rs. 25,000 and bought him some food and clothes.
The beggar was eternally grateful.” Salman Khan has grown up at Bandra’s Band Stand. And flying kites on the rocks wasn’t unusual for him.
The actor has always done his bit for the underprivileged. He runs his own NGO, Salman Khan Foundation, and the proceeds of all his paintings go towards social causes.
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